Friday, November 28, 2014

What is your take on this new milk?

Concerns about sugar, obesity, artificial sweeteners and diabetes have driven many food and beverage related industries to review their products. This has resulted in slightly improved products health wise. However it seems to have made a very minor effect and companies are trying hard to improve their image.

Coca-Cola is also similarly driven and to remain in the 'liquid' business it has teamed up with a number of farms to produce a 'Super Milk' (some call it Milka-Cola) and the company anticipates that its sales will pick up and there will be a 'money rain', good news to its investors.

So what is so great about this milk?
Basically it is modified milk.
  • Protein content:    50% more -hope it is better than soya
  • Sugar   Content:   50% less -addresses diabetes
  • Calcium Content: 30% more -no need for calcium supplement
  • Price          :          100% more
  • Lactose        :        filtered out - lactose intolerance
Now it has a name, Fairlife and here is a picture ( the product.

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