Monday, May 14, 2018

Disturbing questions regarding USDA

Animals should be at least treated humanely for the amount of information they provide from exprementing upon them for all kinds of reasons. USDA should be the role model for any research carried out on animals.

But a recent article I read  seems to treat not so humanely.

In fact,

"Researchers at the Agriculture Department have euthanized healthy kittens, ignored injured pigs and killed dozens of birds through neglect and starvation, government documents show."

“There are still very horrendous animal deaths and incidents taking place at USDA,” said Mimi Brody, the director of federal affairs at the Humane Society of the United States. “ ... Even if these are extreme cases, why are they happening?”

How can you say we are civilized if we cannot provide a minimum amount of comfort to the animals we slaughter in the name of science.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Visiting the ruins of the Eternal City

September 24

It was another fine day in Rome. We finished our breakfast as usual and we were out of the hotel waiting to board the bus to take us round Rome.

Our itinerary for the day was huge and ambitious. However, we were able to complete the task with relative ease. Thanks to our local guide we really could get a good background story on Rome. We visited the Piazza Campidoglio after climbing the Cordonata stairs envisioned and built according to Michael Angelo’s design. I see other names also associated with this staircase. I will settle for Michael.

As you go up the stairs you will see the two statues at the top of the stairs. You will soon enter a great plaza (piazza), also Michael Angelo’s design. There is a bronze statue of Marcus Aurelius (This is not the original) which is weather beaten, looks black. Behind him stands the Palazzo Senatorio with very beautiful stairs. This appears to be right behind the Victor Emmanuel Monument (unfortunately much ridiculed by Romans and Foreigners alike with nick names like cake, type writer, etc.). Personally, I like it and standing as it does on the Capitoline hills, you cannot miss it from anywhere in Rome.

You can walk down to the road leading to the Forum, on the way you encounter many more ancient buildings. During our first visit we did not quite connect the Victor Emmanuel monument and the Forum. This time we were truly surprised, they really are close.

Walking towards the Cordonata to visit Piazza del Campidoglio. In the background, Monument Victor Emmanuel II "Vittoriano" à Rome.

Michelangelo's Cordonata on Capitoline Hill

As we climb the Cordonata (stairs), the Statue of Castor is on the left. On the right there is another statue, of Pollux.

Palazzo Senatorio

 Staircase leading to the Palazzo

Bronze Marcus Aurelius Statue in Piazza del Campidoglio
It is on top of Capitoline Hill, one of Rome’s seven important hills. Michael Angelo designed it in 14th Century.

On the way to Forum Street performers

All these and more in a video

Campidoglio and Foro Romano


Fine day, great group..

Our local guide feeding us lots of history

In front of Caesar’s Grave.

 In front of a shed where Julius Caesar’s remains are interred.

Temple of the Dioscuri, Castor and Pollux.

The Temple of Divus Antoninus Pius and Diva Faustina (141 CE)

Temple of Romulus

Images of Forum from Al Kehew’s Pinterest collection.

A full-blown view of Forum

Our group in front of Julius Caesar’s grave. This is where the ashes are interred.

Caesar's burial below the shed.

We will now move on to visit the Colosseum.