Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Forget about Jerry Brown's endorsement Bernie, forge ahead!

Stop not till the goal is reached. Give me the chance to vote for your Presidency.

California is just one step, there are miles before you need to stop.

I cast my vote to get rid of the superdelegates. It does not seem to be a very democratic process.

It is time to change. I welcome the Libertarians to join the struggle.

Watch this video if you have not already,

Sunday, May 29, 2016

It is a shame they had to kill the gorilla

It started with a 4 year old boy falling into the moat of the gorilla enclosure at the Cincinnati zoo. It appears that the boy crawled through a barrier and fell. What kind of a barrier was that? What kind of a parent that let a 4 year child loose, probably social media to blame, either texting or looking up Whatspap or some such thing. 

It is regrettable that they had to kill the gorilla. Actually it is a shame and the blame lies totally on the inattentive parent and the insecure zoo environment.

The video on MSNBC was clearer and the boy was in no danger at all. You could see the gorilla catching the tiny hand with its big hands. It appears that the gorilla is trying to evaluate what it should do, a situation it is not accustomed to. What a pity?

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Apple's auto ambitions

Most recently Apple has invested a billion dollars in a Chinese rideshare / auto hailing company DiDi Chuxing.
Apple wants to have a hand in the data-driven Didi platform, not only to extend the Apple Pay but also test out strategies centered around infotainment systems and possibly an Apple Car in the future. For one thing, if a driverless car can work well in China, Apple will have no problems selling it in the west.
Didi will be in direct competition with UBER but also similar rideshare services like Ola in India, Lyft in USA.

This is only for starters. The next thing would be Apple Car.

Is this going to improve Apple's bottom line?

Is there any difference in wine bottled on the estate compare to that bottled at the Chateau?

There appears to be no difference in the wine. It just means what it says. In some countries the bottling location must be mentioned.

This is a quote from here:

"Mis en bouteille au château", "Mis en bouteille au domaine", "Mis en bouteille à la propriété" : ces trois mentions sont équivalentes. Elles renforcent l'identité du vin que vous achetez. Elles sont un gage de sérieux. Mais un gage de sérieux n'est pas automatiquement synonyme de qualité. Choisir parmi ce type de bouteilles c'est tout de même faire un bon choix.
Ne soyez pas surpris, les caves coopératives ont droit à la mention "Mis en bouteille à la propriété" puisque les vignerons apportant leur raisin sont en général actionnaires de la coopérative qui est donc leur propriété.

Read this as well.

We want to believe in the future, can you make it happen?

Your win in California is badly needed. I am sure the smart people of California would really make a smart choice. I am glad so many young people think that you can pull it off, against all odds.

Why do you think I believe in what you say? It's because I do not believe in your opponents, either democrat or republican. They do not represent the values I deeply care.

Would I settle for a third party candidate? Yes, of course, any other choice than the impending (looks in evitable) choice is highly desired.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Jaipur joins the growing list of Smart Cities

CISCO recently announced that Jaipur will be the first, Smart+Connectedtrade, Community Lighthouse City in South Asia. This credential has already been assigned to a number of cities world wide, Kansas, Barcelona, hamburg, Adelaide etc.

Jaipur will be getting the huge global network and channel capabilities of Cisco. This is only a part of the Digital India program.

Lighthouse program will be managed by a group to bring in the next gen technologies to this ancient city impacting 3.5 million residents and the over 40 million tourists that visit and engage with this community. The group will consist of CISCO, Qualcomm, GE and 3M which will launch the innovation center operated by Genpact.

Jaipur Development Authority will be a key player in demonstrating Jaipur becoming a global model of urban development with all the smart city infrastructure that will be developed.

Read more here:

Find out more about Lighthouse Cities here:

Here is a video of Barcelona SmartCity

Here is the video of Smart Hamburg

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Keep fighting till you get nominated

Clash of ideas. Good ideas and ideas that make a country worthwhile to live and prosper is the main requirement. Being politically correct is not the main requirement. Keep away from rhetoric as it can only sound nice but with no substance.


Keep fighting till you reach the shores of California.

Good luck

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

You have put up a brave fight in KY

Hi Bernie,

You have put up a brave fight in KY. Keep it up. You have great, loyal supporters. It may be going to be a narrow win in KY, but it is good showing.

Going further, Good luck.

All States should have same way of conducting elections. Why not? Please comment.

Are you ready for Solid State Drive (SSD)?

The older and most present day computers (PCs, Laptops) come with the spinning hard disc drive (HDD). It has a spinning and has lots of nuts, bolts, motors, disks, etc. The SSD is devoid of these mechanical moving parts. The HDD is non-volatile memory and what you store (write on to) on the spinning disc is available anytime you want unless you erase it. SSD is also non-volatile.

The SSD is somewhat similar to the thumb drive in that data is stored in flash memory. However, the SSD is performance-wise different in the type and speed of memory. Since they are high-end products, they are significantly more reliable as they are expensive for the same memory capacity.

If you are simply storing some images and documents a lower storage value would do, but if you are storing videos and multi-media may be you should go for 1 TB or more.

Spinning disc speed determines the access of the data on a HDD but SSD access is fast. Booting from a SSD as against booting a PC from a HDD will be a very pleasant expeience. Overall you can expect to get a big boost with SSD in booting, launching apps and move data.

As SSD does not have moving parts, file fragmentation which is a problem with HDD is absent. The Spinning disc has to find the fragmented parts to get the whole picture.

The simple fact that there are no moving parts should assure anyone looking for durability or concerns of noise or heating effects.

SSD's like any solid state memory has a finite number of read/write cycles .

If you are interested in feature-for-feature comparison go here.

Presently more computers and laptops come with HDD and not that many with SSD.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Apple's auto ambitions

Most recently Apple has invested a billion dollars in a Chinese rideshare / auto hailing company DiDi Chuxing.

Apple wants to have a hand in the data-driven Didi platform, not only to extend the Apple Pay but also test out strategies centered around infotainment systems and possibly an Apple Car in the future. For one thing, if a driverless car can work well in China, Apple will have no problems selling it in the west.

Didi will be in direct competition with UBER but also similar rideshare services like Ola in India, lyft in USA.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The 999th Birthday of Sri Ramanuja was celebrated yesterday

Sri Ramanuja Acharya was a great Hindu Philosopher and thinker (1017 CE-1137 CE). He is most venerated for the Vishitadvaita school of philosophy interpreting the Vedas.

He formulated Bhakti Yoga and these are some of his great contributions to Vedic Knowledge:

Vedhartha Samgraha (Summary of the Vedas)
Sribhasya (Commentary on Brahama sutras)
Bhagavadgita-bahsya (Commentary on Bhagavadgita)

Here are some important links;






The first of these links refers to Sri Ramanuja's Samadhi(the last resting place) being present in Sri Rangam although I could not find any other reference. His mummified body (according to the above link) it appears is in an excellent state of preservation.

Here is a picture off the bronze figure (I think) of Sri Ramanuja.

यो नित्यमच्युत पदांबुज युग्म-रुक्मौ व्यामोहस्त्दितराणि तृणाय मॆने।
अस्मत् गुरॊःदयैक सिन्धो श्रीरामानुजस्य चरणौ शरणम् प्रपद्ये॥

yo nityamacyuta padAMbuja yugma-rukmau vyAmohastditarANi tRuNAya mEne|
asmat gurOHdayaika sindho SrIrAmAnujasya caraNau SaraNam prapadye||

The source of picture is from an email I received from my cousin.

Although Sri Ramanuja is the most revered Acharya among Vaishnavas he was by no means the one who started Vaishnavisim.

The South Indian brahmins who call themselves Iyengars are Sri Ramanuja's followers. They were split in to two groups, the northern school(Vadagalai) and the southern school(Tengalai). The southern school's main emphasis was on Bhakti (devotion) alone.

The community of Iyengars  has produced people of national and international repute (I am not on this list but my friend is):

Monday, May 9, 2016

Toyota's major contribution to battery technology..

Toyota's researchers at Toyota Research Institute of North America (TRINA) facility have come up with a replacement for the more reactive and difficult to handle Lithium with more energy efficient; easy-to-handle Magnesium. This new result has been recently announced but take a couple of years to appear on shelves. Replacement to Lithium is a god send.

Toyota has already demonstrated its research and manufacturing competency by creating hybrid vehicles and hydrogen powered vehicles (selling in Japan and in CA). It looks almost certain that Toyota will come up with a practical design for cars, laptops and wherever they are needed.

Here is a short view from this site:

Here are links and Videos of Hydrogen Powered cars:




Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Good luck to you Bernie in Indiana

The one person I may go for is you. Good luck.

This choice has been made very easy this year from either party. I have not heard much about a third party.

Good showing in Indiana.
To Strive, To find and not to Yield.