Monday, July 25, 2016

Bernie Sanders could not convince his supporters to support Clinton, he was booed

Bernie Sanders spoke to his supporters just before the beginning of the DNC Convention. It was a great performance by Bernie Sanders. He recalled the successes during this year and the problems facing this country. It must have been a highly charged crowd. When he asked his supporters to vote for Hillary Clinton, the crowds jeered and booed.

The crowd outside was equally vociferous to the extent that they would rather have 4 years of Trump rather than 8 years of Clinton.

Perhaps Bernie should have kept his speech short to cool down the crowd, but that did not happen. The crowd really turned angry at the mere mention of super delegates, the election format, the super pac support etc.

At least he succeeded in taking the gavel away from the DNC Chair and perhaps he has made Hillary Clinton to change her world view; to really understand the inequality that exists in this country by wearing appropriate dress addressing inequality issues; to refrain from empty rhetorics and get down to  business; and bring about most of Bernie's ideas, should she get elected, which appears to be thinning down.

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