Monday, July 10, 2017

Here is a great opportunity to get funding for Hawaii

Things are changing very fast, especially in the STEM area. Do not wait to get qualified. IT industry  requires a lot of people (of course, with right skills). Learning is both time intensive and expensive in many cases. There are, low cost but very effective training programs, that will bring you up to speed to address todays job requirements.

Strada Hawai'i Government Stem Workforce Fund can help you to get started if you are eligible and work for government(City, State or Federal). This agency is geared to fund in the following fields: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Read up this information on this image and start making calls. Who knows, you may end up getting support to get into one of the many possible courses depending on your suitability.
The Pacific Center for Advanced Technology Training offer a number of courses in the IT Arae  and you could register for one of these courses on getting this fund. Contact or the Program Manager, Beryl Morimoto at

Two important points to note:
1. Training must be completed on or before September 29, 2017. 
2. With supervisory approval, the employee can pay for training and receive Strada support if the department or agency does not have training funds.

Also other resources of immediate use:

Go on, start off with the application process:
Download application form here:

Three of my present students attending the BASIC SQL course are funded by STRADA.

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