Saturday, March 28, 2015

Now it is time for British Museum to return

Well done, Mr. Adams for returning our national heritage. Even small returns like this should lift our spirits and feel after all there are god people with noble hearts.

Don't you think it is time for the British Museum to match this? I have great respect for the sense of fairness among the majority of the people who inhabit the Isles. Are we going to see this happen in our life time?

While we are thinking of returned objects, should we not take care of the existing museums in India and how poorly they are run?

Many years ago (perhaps 10) when I visited the Salar Jung Museum, I saw a middle school group of children being guided by their teachers.  The photo below is from


While the teachers were walking and gossiping I saw the children takin pencil or pen and scratching across the walls some of which were actually part of the exhibit. If this is the level of our 'education', should we not let the good British to take care of our heritage? After all we shared a good 250 or more years with them.

You may also want to visit this link here:


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