Wednesday, March 25, 2015

How to help your child pass an exam?

This post is not about how to help, but how not to 'educate' your child.

In the east beyond 66 degrees (approximately Afghanistan) that includes the populous countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh including China, Japan and Korea) the competition is really tough. Education equates to getting a paying job or entering a prestigious university despite the quality of education (with education becoming a business) being poor except at some limited institutions. The rush to get a degree or pass an examination is ever greater.

If the motivation to cheat at an examination in Japan is to get entrance to a prestigious school or university, the motivation in India ranges from passing an examination to get the ‘food card’ to entering a prestigious university and everything in between.

In this atmosphere trying to pass the examination by hook or crook is all but natural, perhaps a human trait not limited to east of 66 degrees but around the globe

Of course there are thriving illegal businesses and organized crime that are behind these examination related scandals and there is a culture of acceptance, so much so politicians turn a blind eye not mentioning the police force. 

In the Indian context this goes to poetic heights. I was amazed to see this photograph in an article by Jamie Campbell which appeared at this site,


Here is video related to the the scandal.

It is as well that the politician involved in the scandal resigned - if you cannot look after your son, you cannot look after a state.

Looks like another cleaning job has been lined up for Mr.Modi.

Don't forget to see these Bing images:

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