Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Indians in USA should hang their head in shame

I assume that the news in MSN is not fake news.


With that being said, these US based culprits; their Indian colloborators and the Indian Call Centers that participated should be punished with the harshest allowable under law.

They are sullying the others who are trying to lead a honest life.

Here is a short quote from the above site:

"The defendants were of Indian origin living in the United States and coordinating with the call centers in India, federal officials said, citing information obtained partly through their plea agreements.

Workers at the call centers impersonated officials from the I.R.S. or U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, threatening people in the United States with arrest, imprisonment, fines or deportation if they did not pay alleged debts to the government, the Justice Department said"

I say, just payments are not good enough, if they are not appropriately punished we are missing the point of it all.

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